Onto the second phobia… frogs!!! No, I’m not over that yet. It’s not just any kind of frog. It’s the kind that jumps and sticks to your skin. I’m having a little panic-attack now.

Oh well! I remember back in high school. It was Christmas and we had “monito, monita”. The bell just rang indicating the end of the day’s recess and resume of class. As I was walking back to my cubicle (my school adopts a home school curriculum so we had our own workstation), I saw a white box lying on the top of my booth. I opened it and what else would I see but two green eyes blinking at me. I was caught rooted to where I was standing. I could feel my head getting bigger and cold sweat coming out of me. There was a couple of seconds silence and then the hideous thing jumped out to my face. And that did it. ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE! Everyone heard an ear-splitting shriek from me and in lightning speed I was in the farthest corner of the room. I cried. I didn’t care that I was 17 and crying like a one-year old in a thunderstorm. I saw the frog leaped and stuck from one cubicle to the next.

I felt betrayed. I mean, those people were living with me for almost a year already and they knew I had this thing with that kind of frog! Who would do such a repulsive prank? I had but one word that I instinctively and repeatedly said while crying to my indignation’s content… “Daddy”. I kept saying “Daddy”.

It is worth noting because that time I had not seen my Dad for some months and would not be able to see for many months after. And he was miles away from me. I was separated from my family when I was in my last year in high school. But that story is for another entry, not now. So yeah, that was the only word I uttered the whole damn crying time. I wanted to be enveloped in my father’s arms and reassured that everything would be alright. But I guess my relationship with my father would never be like that. Now that I’m thinking about it, if my Dad was there, I think he would think me silly, give me a disgusted look and say “Grow up!” If he was there and I ran up to him, he’d probably push me away and tell me to fix the scene I’d made by myself. Hmmm… Nonetheless, that was still the word I uttered… “Dad”.

To this day, I still don’t know who did that prank to me. Hmmm… I am too depressed to write my third and hopefully last phobia. So you’d have to wait until tomorrow.

Posted by CarizzCruzem on November 22, 2005 at 08:26 PM in My thoughts | fly with me

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