I finally did it. Update.
Too many things had happened. The past year had been a roller coaster ride, emotion-wise:
One of my short stories made it in an anthology, which I’ll shamelessly plug.
I bought books.
I stopped schooling.
I bought books.
I’m single again after ten years, a month and five days.
I bought books.
I went to Zambales for a youth camp.
I bought books.
I went to Bulacan for a spiritual retreat.
I bought books.
A close friend and I stopped talking.
I bought books.
I met a new friend in person.
I bought books.
The close friend and I started talking again.
I bought books.
I continue schooling.
I bought books.
I almost play drums in the assembly of our church service.
I bought books.
I play bass guitar in the assembly of our church service.
I bought books.
End result: I’ve filled up two shelves of books.
A book has become my constant companion along the ride. It takes my mind off my current situation and brings me in the places between its pages. It might be viewed as running away. But sometimes, when it gets too hard that you start thinking of ending it all, you resort to putting all your attention to one thing, which soon becomes addictive. Some people drink or do drugs; others work themselves nonstop in work or in school. For me, it’s books—while on a jeepney, on a bus, on a tricycle; while in class, in my mom’s eatery; while walking, eating, standing, sitting, lying on bed…sometimes, I don’t sleep.
It has come to a point where I bring just enough money for transportation so I won’t have extra money to even go to a bookstore, much less buy one. If I have even some extra for food, I’d skip eating and buy myself a book. I’m that addicted to books.
Last week, I went to a mall to buy things for engineering drawing. While I was in line to pay for the stuff, what else would I see?
So, I paid for the engineering drawing materials, plus a John Grisham book. Sweet.
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