I’m not sure if writing to you is right. I don’t even know where to send this. But, since it teaches in the bible (Please don’t ask the particular verse. I’m sorry I don’t know. I should be reading my bible more often.) that you are omnipresent, I know you can read this. I’m sure you even know what will be the content of this letter.

I just don’t feel right. I cry easily. I wonder why that is. I’m thinking that there’s something inside me that’s crying for something. But I don’t know what. I don’t have any idea whatsoever. But looking at Coleen crying, I felt like crying also. Reading my grandmother’s letter made me cry also. Hearing good stories make me cry as well. It’s just, it’s not the normal me.

And, I’m worried about work. I don’t know how to react about my salary. Perhaps, it’s punishment of some sort because I don’t give my tithes. I don’t want to compare or anything, but how about Ate Mina?

So, I don’t really know what’s happening. I just don’t know. I need to read my bible more. To just spend time.

Posted by CarizzCruzem on January 30, 2009 at 04:38 PM | fly with me

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